Yehoshua (H3091)(יְהוֹשֻׁ֣עַ)
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4. Use um comentário curto e objetivo, com palavras simples, fácil de entender, a medida do possível.
[1] Quem transliterou o nome YESHUA para o grego "Ιησους (iesous)" foram TRADUTORES JUDEUS (yehudim), os quais traduziram o PENTATEUCO (TORAH) do hebraico para o GREGO antigo e essa tradução se chama SEPTUAGINTA ("תרגום השבעים" targum hashivim = tradução dos setenta); essa informação é confirmada no TALMUD (Talmud Babilônico: ordem MOED, tratado MEGILLA, página 9a-9b.) e também confirmada pelo HISTORIADOR JUDEU Flávio Josefo, na obra Antiguidades Judaicas, livro 12, capítulo 2, versículos 11-15.
[2] A palavra TALMUD significa "estudo"; existem dois TALMUDs: o TALMUD de Jerusalém e o TALMUD Babilônico (Talmud Bavli); o TALMUD Babilônico é o mais importante; o TALMUD Babilônico é dividido em seis ORDENS (sedarim; singular: seder), a saber: Zeraim (sementes), Moed (Festival), Nashim (mulheres), Nezikin (Danos), Kodashin (utensílios sagrados), Tehorot (purezas); cada ordem é dividido em TRATADOS (masekhtot; singular: masekhet)
[3] O nome HEBRAICO do Salvador (Messias = Cristo = Ungido) é YESHUA, mas esse nome NÃO era um nome ESCLUSIVO do Salvador, pois o nome hebraico de Josué, filho de Num, servo de Moisés, no período pós-cativeiro babilônico, era também YESHUA (H3442 יֵשׁ֨וּעַ) (Neemias 8:17), MAS, no período pré-cativeiro babilônico, o nome hebraico de Josué, filho de Num, servo de Moisés, era YEHOSHUA (H3091 יְהוֹשֻׁ֣עַ) (Josué 1:1).
SEPTUAGINTA ("תרגום השבעים" targum hashivim = tradução dos setenta)
O nome de JOSUÉ (filho de Num, servo de Moisés), no período pré-cativeiro babilônico, era chamado de YEHOSHUA (H3091 יְהוֹשֻׁ֣עַ) (Josué 1:1), mas, no período pós-cativeiro babilônico, era chamado de YESHUA (H3442 יֵשׁ֨וּעַ) (Neemias 8:17)
Yehoshua (H3091) (יְהוֹשֻׁ֣עַ)
Por isso disse Moisés a Josué: Escolhe-nos homens, e sai, peleja contra Amaleque; amanhã eu estarei sobre o cume do outeiro, e a vara de Deus estará na minha mão.
Êxodo 17:9
Êxodo 17:9 ειπεν δε μωυσης τω [ιησου] επιλεξον σεαυτω ανδρας δυνατους και εξελθων παραταξαι τω αμαληκ αυριον και ιδου εγω εστηκα επι της κορυφης του βουνου και η ραβδος του θεου εν τη χειρι μου
E fez Josué como Moisés lhe dissera, pelejando contra Amaleque; mas Moisés, Arão, e Hur subiram ao cume do outeiro.
Êxodo 17:10
Êxodo 17:10 και εποιησεν [ιησους] καθαπερ ειπεν αυτω μωυσης και εξελθων παρεταξατο τω αμαληκ και μωυσης και ααρων και ωρ ανεβησαν επι την κορυφην του βουνου
E assim Josué desfez a Amaleque e a seu povo, ao fio da espada.
Êxodo 17:13
Êxodo 17:13 και ετρεψατο [ιησους] τον αμαληκ και παντα τον λαον αυτου εν φονω μαχαιρας
Então disse o SENHOR a Moisés: Escreve isto para memória num livro, e relata-o aos ouvidos de Josué; que eu totalmente hei de riscar a memória de Amaleque de debaixo dos céus.
Êxodo 17:14
Êxodo 17:14 ειπεν δε κυριος προς μωυσην καταγραψον τουτο εις μνημοσυνον εν βιβλιω και δος εις τα ωτα [ιησοι] οτι αλοιφη εξαλειψω το μνημοσυνον αμαληκ εκ της υπο τον ουρανον
E levantou-se Moisés com Josué seu servidor; e subiu Moisés ao monte de Deus.
Êxodo 24:13
Êxodo 24:13 και αναστας μωυσης και [ιησους] ο παρεστηκως αυτω ανεβησαν εις το ορος του θεου
E, ouvindo Josué a voz do povo que jubilava, disse a Moisés: Alarido de guerra há no arraial.
Êxodo 32:17
Êxodo 32:17 και ακουσας [ιησους] την φωνην του λαου κραζοντων λεγει προς μωυσην φωνη πολεμου εν τη παρεμβολη
Por isso disse Moisés a Josué: Escolhe-nos homens, e sai, peleja contra Amaleque; amanhã eu estarei sobre o cume do outeiro, e a vara de Deus estará na minha mão.
Êxodo 17:9
17:9 ειπεν δε μωυσης τω [ιησου] επιλεξον σεαυτω ανδρας δυνατους και εξελθων παραταξαι τω αμαληκ αυριον και ιδου εγω εστηκα επι της κορυφης του βουνου και η ραβδος του θεου εν τη χειρι μου (SEPTUAGINTA = "תרגום השבעים" targum hashivim = tradução dos setenta)
E fez Josué como Moisés lhe dissera, pelejando contra Amaleque; mas Moisés, Arão, e Hur subiram ao cume do outeiro.
Êxodo 17:10
Êxodo 17:10 και εποιησεν [ιησους] καθαπερ ειπεν αυτω μωυσης και εξελθων παρεταξατο τω αμαληκ και μωυσης και ααρων και ωρ ανεβησαν επι την κορυφην του βουνου (SEPTUAGINTA = "תרגום השבעים" targum hashivim = tradução dos setenta)
E assim Josué desfez a Amaleque e a seu povo, ao fio da espada.
Êxodo 17:13
Êxodo 17:13 και ετρεψατο [ιησους] τον αμαληκ και παντα τον λαον αυτου εν φονω μαχαιρας (SEPTUAGINTA = "תרגום השבעים" targum hashivim = tradução dos setenta)
Então disse o SENHOR a Moisés: Escreve isto para memória num livro, e relata-o aos ouvidos de Josué; que eu totalmente hei de riscar a memória de Amaleque de debaixo dos céus.
Êxodo 17:14
Êxodo 17:14 ειπεν δε κυριος προς μωυσην καταγραψον τουτο εις μνημοσυνον εν βιβλιω και δος εις τα ωτα [ιησοι] οτι αλοιφη εξαλειψω το μνημοσυνον αμαληκ εκ της υπο τον ουρανον (SEPTUAGINTA = "תרגום השבעים" targum hashivim = tradução dos setenta)
E levantou-se Moisés com Josué seu servidor; e subiu Moisés ao monte de Deus.
Êxodo 24:13
Êxodo 24:13 και αναστας μωυσης και [ιησους] ο παρεστηκως αυτω ανεβησαν εις το ορος του θεου (SEPTUAGINTA = "תרגום השבעים" targum hashivim = tradução dos setenta)
E, ouvindo Josué a voz do povo que jubilava, disse a Moisés: Alarido de guerra há no arraial.
Êxodo 32:17
Êxodo 32:17 και ακουσας [ιησους] την φωνην του λαου κραζοντων λεγει προς μωυσην φωνη πολεμου εν τη παρεμβολη (SEPTUAGINTA = "תרגום השבעים" targum hashivim = tradução dos setenta)
E falava o SENHOR a Moisés face a face, como qualquer fala com o seu amigo; depois tornava-se ao arraial; mas o seu servidor, o jovem Josué, filho de Num, nunca se apartava do meio da tenda.
Êxodo 33:11
33:11 και ελαλησεν κυριος προς μωυσην ενωπιος ενωπιω ως ει τις λαλησει προς τον εαυτου φιλον και απελυετο εις την παρεμβολην ο δε θεραπων [ιησους] υιος ναυη νεος ουκ εξεπορευετο εκ της σκηνης
E Josué, filho de Num, servidor de Moisés, um dos seus jovens escolhidos, respondeu e disse: Moisés, meu senhor, proíbe-lho.
Números 11:28
11:28 και αποκριθεις [ιησους] ο του ναυη ο παρεστηκως μωυση ο εκελεκτος ειπεν κυριε μωυση κωλυσον αυτους
Estes são os nomes dos homens que Moisés enviou a espiar aquela terra; e a Oséias, filho de Num, Moisés chamou Josué.
Números 13:16
13:16 ταυτα τα ονοματα των ανδρων ους απεστειλεν μωυσης κατασκεψασθαι την γην και επωνομασεν μωυσης τον αυση υιον ναυη [ιησουν]
E Josué, filho de Num, e Calebe filho de Jefoné, dos que espiaram a terra, rasgaram as suas vestes.
Números 14:6
14:6 [ιησους] δε ο του ναυη και χαλεβ ο του ιεφοννη των κατασκεψαμενων την γην διερρηξαν τα ιματια αυτων
Não entrareis na terra, pela qual levantei a minha mão que vos faria habitar nela, salvo Calebe, filho de Jefoné, e Josué, filho de Num.
Números 14:30
14:30 ει υμεις εισελευσεσθε εις την γην εφ' ην εξετεινα την χειρα μου κατασκηνωσαι υμας επ' αυτης αλλ' η χαλεβ υιος ιεφοννη και [ιησους] ο του ναυη
Mas Josué, filho de Num, e Calebe, filho de Jefoné, que eram dos homens que foram espiar a terra, ficaram com vida.
Números 14:38
14:38 και [ιησους] υιος ναυη και χαλεβ υιος ιεφοννη εζησαν απο των ανθρωπων εκεινων των πεπορευμενων κατασκεψασθαι την γην
Porque o SENHOR dissera deles que certamente morreriam no deserto; e nenhum deles ficou senão Calebe, filho de Jefoné, e Josué, filho de Num.
Números 26:65
26:65 οτι ειπεν κυριος αυτοις θανατω αποθανουνται εν τη ερημω και ου κατελειφθη εξ αυτων ουδε εις πλην χαλεβ υιος ιεφοννη και [ιησους] ο του ναυη
Então disse o SENHOR a Moisés: Toma a Josué, filho de Num, homem em quem há o Espírito, e impõe a tua mão sobre ele.
Números 27:18
27:18 και ελαλησεν κυριος προς μωυσην λεγων λαβε προς σεαυτον τον [ιησουν] υιον ναυη ανθρωπον ος εχει πνευμα εν εαυτω και επιθησεις τας χειρας σου επ' αυτον
E fez Moisés como o SENHOR lhe ordenara; porque tomou a Josué, e apresentou-o perante Eleazar, o sacerdote, e perante toda a congregação;
Números 27:22
27:22 και εποιησεν μωυσης καθα ενετειλατο αυτω κυριος και λαβων τον [ιησουν] εστησεν αυτον εναντιον ελεαζαρ του ιερεως και εναντι πασης συναγωγης
Exceto Calebe, filho de Jefoné o quenezeu, e Josué, filho de Num, porquanto perseveraram em seguir ao SENHOR.
Números 32:12
32:12 πλην χαλεβ υιος ιεφοννη ο διακεχωρισμενος και [ιησους] ο του ναυη οτι συνεπηκολουθησεν οπισω κυριου
Então Moisés deu ordem acerca deles a Eleazar, o sacerdote, e a Josué filho de Num, e aos cabeças das casas dos pais das tribos dos filhos de Israel.
Números 32:28
32:28 και συνεστησεν αυτοις μωυσης ελεαζαρ τον ιερεα και [ιησουν] υιον ναυη και τους αρχοντας πατριων των φυλων ισραηλ
Estes são os nomes dos homens que vos repartirão a terra por herança: Eleazar, o sacerdote, e Josué, filho de Num.
Números 34:17
34:17 ταυτα τα ονοματα των ανδρων οι κληρονομησουσιν υμιν την γην ελεαζαρ ο ιερευς και [ιησους] ο του ναυη
Josué, filho de Num, que está diante de ti, ele ali entrará; fortalece-o, porque ele a fará herdar a Israel.
Deuteronômio 1:38
1:38 [ιησους] υιος ναυη ο παρεστηκως σοι ουτος εισελευσεται εκει αυτον κατισχυσον οτι αυτος κατακληρονομησει αυτην τω ισραηλ
Também dei ordem a [Josué] no mesmo tempo, dizendo: Os teus olhos têm visto tudo o que o SENHOR vosso Deus tem feito a estes dois reis; assim fará o SENHOR a todos os reinos, a que tu passarás.
Deuteronômio 3:21
3:21 και τω [ιησοι] ενετειλαμην εν τω καιρω εκεινω λεγων οι οφθαλμοι υμων εωρακασιν παντα οσα εποιησεν κυριος ο θεος ημων τοις δυσι βασιλευσι τουτοις ουτως ποιησει κυριος ο θεος ημων πασας τας βασιλειας εφ' ας συ διαβαινεις εκει
Manda, pois, a [Josué], e anima-o, e fortalece-o; porque ele passará adiante deste povo, e o fará possuir a terra que verás.
Deuteronômio 3:28
3:28 και εντειλαι [ιησοι] και κατισχυσον αυτον και παρακαλεσον αυτον οτι ουτος διαβησεται προ προσωπου του λαου τουτου και αυτος κατακληρονομησει αυτοις την γην ην εωρακας
O SENHOR teu Deus passará adiante de ti; ele destruirá estas nações de diante de ti, para que as possuas; [Josué] passará adiante de ti, como o SENHOR tem falado.
Deuteronômio 31:3
31:3 κυριος ο θεος σου ο προπορευομενος προ προσωπου σου αυτος εξολεθρευσει τα εθνη ταυτα απο προσωπου σου και κατακληρονομησεις αυτους και [ιησους] ο προπορευομενος προ προσωπου σου καθα ελαλησεν κυριος
E chamou Moisés a Josué, e lhe disse aos olhos de todo o Israel: Esforça-te e anima-te; porque com este povo entrarás na terra que o SENHOR jurou a teus pais lhes dar; e tu os farás herdá-la.
Deuteronômio 31:7
31:7 και εκαλεσεν μωυσης [ιησουν] και ειπεν αυτω εναντι παντος ισραηλ ανδριζου και ισχυε συ γαρ εισελευση προ προσωπου του λαου τουτου εις την γην ην ωμοσεν κυριος τοις πατρασιν ημων δουναι αυτοις και συ κατακληρονομησεις αυτην αυτοις
E disse o SENHOR a Moisés: Eis que os teus dias são chegados, para que morras; chama a Josué, e apresentai-vos na tenda da congregação, para que eu lhe dê ordens. Assim foram Moisés e Josué, e se apresentaram na tenda da congregação.
Deuteronômio 31:14
31:14 και ειπεν κυριος προς μωυσην ιδου ηγγικασιν αι ημεραι του θανατου σου καλεσον [ιησουν] και στητε παρα τας θυρας της σκηνης του μαρτυριου και εντελουμαι αυτω και επορευθη μωυσης και [ιησους] εις την σκηνην του μαρτυριου και εστησαν παρα τας θυρας της σκηνης του μαρτυριου
E ordenou a Josué, filho de Num, e disse: Esforça-te e anima-te; porque tu introduzirás os filhos de Israel na terra que lhes jurei; e eu serei contigo.
Deuteronômio 31:23
31:23 και ενετειλατο μωυσης [ιησοι] και ειπεν αυτω ανδριζου και ισχυε συ γαρ εισαξεις τους υιους ισραηλ εις την γην ην ωμοσεν κυριος αυτοις και αυτος εσται μετα σου
E Josué, filho de Num, foi cheio do espírito de sabedoria, porquanto Moisés tinha posto sobre ele as suas mãos; assim os filhos de Israel lhe deram ouvidos, e fizeram como o SENHOR ordenara a Moisés.
Deuteronômio 34:9
34:9 και [ιησους] υιος ναυη ενεπλησθη πνευματος συνεσεως επεθηκεν γαρ μωυσης τας χειρας αυτου επ' αυτον και εισηκουσαν αυτου οι υιοι ισραηλ και εποιησαν καθοτι ενετειλατο κυριος τω μωυση
E sucedeu depois da morte de Moisés, servo do SENHOR, que o SENHOR falou a Josué, filho de Num, servo de Moisés, dizendo:
Josué 1:1
Então Josué deu ordem aos príncipes do povo, dizendo:
Josué 1:10
E falou Josué aos rubenitas, e aos gaditas, e à meia tribo de Manassés, dizendo:
Josué 1:12
Então responderam a Josué, dizendo: Tudo quanto nos ordenaste faremos, e onde quer que nos enviares iremos.
Josué 1:16
E Josué, filho de Num, enviou secretamente, de Sitim, dois homens a espiar, dizendo: Ide reconhecer a terra e a Jericó. Foram, pois, e entraram na casa de uma mulher prostituta, cujo nome era Raabe, e dormiram ali.
Josué 2:1
Jos 2:23 | So the two 8147 men 582 returned 7725 , and descended 3381 from the mountain 2022, and passed over 5674 , and came 935 to Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Nun 5126, and told 5608 him all [things] that befell 4672 them: |
Jos 2:24 | And they said 559 unto Joshua3091, Truly 3588 the LORD 3068 hath delivered 5414 into our hands 3027 all the land 776; for even all the inhabitants 3427 of the country 776 do faint 4127 because 6440 of us. |
Jos 3:1 | And Joshua3091 rose early 7925 in the morning 1242; and they removed 5265 from Shittim 7851, and came 935 to Jordan 3383, he and all the children 1121 of Israel 3478, and lodged 3885 there before they passed over 5674 . |
Jos 3:5 | And Joshua3091 said 559 unto the people 5971, Sanctify 6942 yourselves: for to morrow 4279 the LORD 3068 will do 6213 wonders 6381 among 7130 you. |
Jos 3:6 | And Joshua3091 spake 559 unto the priests 3548, saying 559 , Take up 5375 the ark 727 of the covenant 1285, and pass over 5674 before 6440 the people 5971. And they took up 5375 the ark 727 of the covenant 1285, and went 3212 before 6440 the people 5971. |
Jos 3:7 | And the LORD 3068 said 559 unto Joshua3091, This day 3117 will I begin 2490 to magnify 1431 thee in the sight 5869 of all Israel 3478, that they may know 3045 that, as I was with Moses 4872, [so] I will be with thee. |
Jos 3:9 | And Joshua3091 said 559 unto the children 1121 of Israel 3478, Come hither 5066 , and hear 8085 the words 1697 of the LORD 3068 your God 430. |
Jos 3:10 | And Joshua3091 said 559 , Hereby ye shall know 3045 that the living 2416 God 410 [is] among 7130 you, and [that] he will without fail 3423 drive out 3423 from before 6440 you the Canaanites 3669, and the Hittites 2850, and the Hivites 2340, and the Perizzites 6522, and the Girgashites 1622, and the Amorites 567, and the Jebusites 2983. |
Jos 4:1 | And it came to pass, when all the people 1471 were clean 8552 passed over 5674 Jordan 3383, that the LORD 3068 spake 559 unto Joshua3091, saying 559 , |
Jos 4:4 | Then Joshua3091 called 7121 the twelve 8147 6240 men 376, whom he had prepared 3559 of the children 1121 of Israel 3478, out of every 259 tribe 7626 a man 376: |
Jos 4:5 | And Joshua3091 said 559 unto them, Pass over 5674 before 6440 the ark 727 of the LORD 3068 your God 430 into the midst 8432 of Jordan 3383, and take ye up 7311 every 259 man 376 of you a stone 68 upon his shoulder 7926, according unto the number 4557 of the tribes 7626 of the children 1121 of Israel 3478: |
Jos 4:8 | And the children 1121 of Israel 3478 did 6213 so as Joshua3091 commanded 6680 , and took up 5375 twelve 8147 6240 stones 68 out of the midst 8432 of Jordan 3383, as the LORD 3068 spake 1696 unto Joshua3091, according to the number 4557 of the tribes 7626 of the children 1121 of Israel 3478, and carried them over 5674 with them unto the place where they lodged 4411, and laid them down 3240 there. |
Jos 4:9 | And Joshua3091 set up 6965 twelve 8147 6240 stones 68 in the midst 8432 of Jordan 3383, in the place where the feet 7272 of the priests 3548 which bare 5375 the ark 727 of the covenant 1285 stood 4673: and they are there unto this day 3117. |
Jos 4:10 | For the priests 3548 which bare 5375 the ark 727 stood 5975 in the midst 8432 of Jordan 3383, until every thing 1697 was finished 8552 that the LORD 3068 commanded 6680 Joshua3091 to speak 1696 unto the people 5971, according to all that Moses 4872 commanded 6680 Joshua3091: and the people 5971 hasted 4116 and passed over 5674 . |
Jos 4:14 | On that day 3117 the LORD 3068 magnified 1431 Joshua3091 in the sight 5869 of all Israel 3478; and they feared 3372 him, as they feared 3372 Moses 4872, all the days 3117 of his life 2416. |
Jos 4:15 | And the LORD 3068 spake 559 unto Joshua3091, saying 559 , |
Jos 4:17 | Joshua3091 therefore commanded 6680 the priests 3548, saying 559 , Come ye up 5927 out of Jordan 3383. |
Jos 4:20 | And those twelve 8147 6240 stones 68, which they took out 3947 of Jordan 3383, did Joshua3091 pitch 6965 in Gilgal 1537. |
Jos 5:2 | At that time 6256 the LORD 3068 said 559 unto Joshua3091, Make 6213 thee sharp 6697 knives 2719, and circumcise 4135 again 7725 the children 1121 of Israel 3478 the second time 8145. |
Jos 5:3 | And Joshua3091 made 6213 him sharp 6697 knives 2719, and circumcised 4135 the children 1121 of Israel 3478 at the hill 1389 of the foreskins 6190. |
Jos 5:4 | And this [is] the cause 1697 why Joshua3091 did circumcise 4135 : All the people 5971 that came out 3318 of Egypt 4714, [that were] males 2145, [even] all the men 582 of war 4421, died 4191 in the wilderness 4057 by the way 1870, after they came out 3318 of Egypt 4714. |
Jos 5:7 | And their children 1121, [whom] he raised up 6965 in their stead, them Joshua3091 circumcised 4135 : for they were uncircumcised 6189, because they had not circumcised 4135 them by the way 1870. |
Jos 5:9 | And the LORD 3068 said 559 unto Joshua3091, This day 3117 have I rolled away 1556 the reproach 2781 of Egypt 4714 from off you. Wherefore the name 8034 of the place 4725 is called 7121 Gilgal 1537 unto this day 3117. |
Jos 5:13 | And it came to pass, when Joshua3091 was by Jericho 3405, that he lifted up 5375 his eyes 5869 and looked 7200 , and, behold, there stood 5975 a man 376 over against him with his sword 2719 drawn 8025 in his hand 3027: and Joshua3091 went 3212 unto him, and said 559 unto him, [Art] thou for us, or for our adversaries 6862? |
Jos 5:14 | And he said 559 , Nay; but [as] captain 8269 of the host 6635 of the LORD 3068 am I now come 935 . And Joshua3091 fell 5307 on his face 6440 to the earth 776, and did worship 7812 , and said 559 unto him, What saith 1696 my lord 113 unto his servant 5650? |
Jos 5:15 | And the captain 8269 of the LORD'S 3068 host 6635 said 559 unto Joshua3091, Loose 5394 thy shoe 5275 from off thy foot 7272; for the place 4725 whereon thou standest 5975 [is] holy 6944. And Joshua3091 did 6213 so. |
Jos 6:2 | And the LORD 3068 said 559 unto Joshua3091, See 7200 , I have given 5414 into thine hand 3027 Jericho 3405, and the king 4428 thereof, [and] the mighty men 1368 of valour 2428. |
Jos 6:6 | And Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Nun 5126 called 7121 the priests 3548, and said 559 unto them, Take up 5375 the ark 727 of the covenant 1285, and let seven 7651 priests 3548 bear 5375 seven 7651 trumpets 7782 of rams' horns 3104 before 6440 the ark 727 of the LORD 3068. |
Jos 6:8 | And it came to pass, when Joshua3091 had spoken 559 unto the people 5971, that the seven 7651 priests 3548 bearing 5375 the seven 7651 trumpets 7782 of rams' horns 3104 passed on 5674 before 6440 the LORD 3068, and blew 8628 with the trumpets 7782: and the ark 727 of the covenant 1285 of the LORD 3068 followed 1980 them 310. |
Jos 6:10 | And Joshua3091 had commanded 6680 the people 5971, saying 559 , Ye shall not shout 7321 , nor make any noise 8085 with your voice 6963, neither shall [any] word 1697 proceed 3318 out of your mouth 6310, until the day 3117 I bid 559 you shout 7321 ; then shall ye shout 7321 . |
Jos 6:12 | And Joshua3091 rose early 7925 in the morning 1242, and the priests 3548 took up 5375 the ark 727 of the LORD 3068. |
Jos 6:16 | And it came to pass at the seventh 7637 time 6471, when the priests 3548 blew 8628 with the trumpets 7782, Joshua3091 said 559 unto the people 5971, Shout 7321 ; for the LORD 3068 hath given 5414 you the city 5892. |
Jos 6:22 | But Joshua3091 had said 559 unto the two 8147 men 582 that had spied out 7270 the country 776, Go 935 into the harlot's 2181 house 1004, and bring out 3318 thence the woman 802, and all that she hath, as ye sware 7650 unto her. |
Jos 6:25 | And Joshua3091 saved 2421 0 Rahab 7343 the harlot 2181 alive 2421 , and her father's 1 household 1004, and all that she had; and she dwelleth 3427 in 7130 Israel 3478 [even] unto this day 3117; because she hid 2244 the messengers 4397, which Joshua3091 sent 7971 to spy out 7270 Jericho 3405. |
Jos 6:26 | And Joshua3091 adjured 7650 [them] at that time 6256, saying 559 , Cursed 779 [be] the man 376 before 6440 the LORD 3068, that riseth up 6965 and buildeth 1129 this city 5892 Jericho 3405: he shall lay the foundation 3245 thereof in his firstborn 1060, and in his youngest 6810 [son] shall he set up 5324 the gates 1817 of it. |
Jos 6:27 | So the LORD 3068 was with Joshua3091; and his fame 8089 was [noised] throughout all the country 776. |
Jos 7:2 | And Joshua3091 sent 7971 men 582 from Jericho 3405 to Ai 5857, which [is] beside 5973 Bethaven 1007, on the east side 6924 of Bethel 1008, and spake 559 unto them, saying 559 , Go up 5927 and view 7270 the country 776. And the men 582 went up 5927 and viewed 7270 Ai 5857. |
Jos 7:3 | And they returned 7725 to Joshua3091, and said 559 unto him, Let not all the people 5971 go up 5927 ; but let about two or three 7969 thousand 505 men 376 go up 5927 and smite 5221 Ai 5857; [and] make not all the people 5971 to labour 3021 thither; for they [are but] few 4592. |
Jos 7:6 | And Joshua3091 rent 7167 his clothes 8071, and fell 5307 to the earth 776 upon his face 6440 before 6440 the ark 727 of the LORD 3068 until the eventide 6153, he and the elders 2205 of Israel 3478, and put 5927 dust 6083 upon their heads 7218. |
Jos 7:7 | And Joshua3091 said 559 , Alas, O 162 Lord 136 GOD 3069, wherefore hast thou at all 5674 brought 5674 0 this people 5971 over 5674 Jordan 3383, to deliver 5414 us into the hand 3027 of the Amorites 567, to destroy 6 us? would to God 3863 we had been content 2974 , and dwelt 3427 on the other side 5676 Jordan 3383! |
Jos 7:10 | And the LORD 3068 said 559 unto Joshua3091, Get thee up 6965 ; wherefore liest 5307 thou thus upon thy face 6440? |
Jos 7:16 | So Joshua3091 rose up early 7925 in the morning 1242, and brought 7126 Israel 3478 by their tribes 7626; and the tribe 7626 of Judah 3063 was taken 3920 : |
Jos 7:19 | And Joshua3091 said 559 unto Achan 5912, My son 1121, give 7760 , I pray thee, glory 3519 to the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel 3478, and make 5414 confession 8426 unto him; and tell 5046 me now what thou hast done 6213 ; hide 3582 [it] not from me. |
Jos 7:20 | And Achan 5912 answered 6030 Joshua3091, and said 559 , Indeed 546 I have sinned 2398 against the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel 3478, and thus and thus have I done 6213 : |
Jos 7:22 | So Joshua3091 sent 7971 messengers 4397, and they ran 7323 unto the tent 168; and, behold, [it was] hid 2934 in his tent 168, and the silver 3701 under it. |
Jos 7:23 | And they took 3947 them out of the midst 8432 of the tent 168, and brought 935 them unto Joshua3091, and unto all the children 1121 of Israel 3478, and laid them out 3332 before 6440 the LORD 3068. |
Jos 7:24 | And Joshua3091, and all Israel 3478 with him, took 3947 Achan 5912 the son 1121 of Zerah 2226, and the silver 3701, and the garment 155, and the wedge 3956 of gold 2091, and his sons 1121, and his daughters 1323, and his oxen 7794, and his asses 2543, and his sheep 6629, and his tent 168, and all that he had: and they brought 5927 them unto the valley 6010 of Achor 5911. |
Jos 7:25 | And Joshua3091 said 559 , Why 4100 hast thou troubled 5916 us? the LORD 3068 shall trouble 5916 thee this day 3117. And all Israel 3478 stoned 7275 him with stones 68, and burned 8313 them with fire 784, after they had stoned 5619 them with stones 68. |
Jos 8:1 | And the LORD 3068 said 559 unto Joshua3091, Fear 3372 not, neither be thou dismayed 2865 : take 3947 all the people 5971 of war 4421 with thee, and arise 6965 , go up 5927 to Ai 5857: see 7200 , I have given 5414 into thy hand 3027 the king 4428 of Ai 5857, and his people 5971, and his city 5892, and his land 776: |
Jos 8:3 | So Joshua3091 arose 6965 , and all the people 5971 of war 4421, to go up 5927 against Ai 5857: and Joshua3091 chose out 977 thirty 7970 thousand 505 mighty 1368 men 376 of valour 2428, and sent them away 7971 by night 3915. |
Jos 8:9 | Joshua3091 therefore sent them forth 7971 : and they went 3212 to lie in ambush 3993, and abode 3427 between Bethel 1008 and Ai 5857, on the west side 3220 of Ai 5857: but Joshua3091 lodged 3885 that night 3915 among 8432 the people 5971. |
Jos 8:10 | And Joshua3091 rose up early 7925 in the morning 1242, and numbered 6485 the people 5971, and went up 5927 , he and the elders 2205 of Israel 3478, before 6440 the people 5971 to Ai 5857. |
Jos 8:13 | And when they had set 7760 the people 5971, [even] all the host 4264 that [was] on the north 6828 of the city 5892, and their liers in wait 6119 on the west 3220 of the city 5892, Joshua3091 went 3212 that night 3915 into the midst 8432 of the valley 6010. |
Jos 8:15 | And Joshua3091 and all Israel 3478 made as if they were beaten 5060 before 6440 them, and fled 5127 by the way 1870 of the wilderness 4057. |
Jos 8:16 | And all the people 5971 that [were] in Ai 5857 5892 were called 2199 together to pursue 7291 after 310 them: and they pursued 7291 after 310 Joshua3091, and were drawn away 5423 from the city 5892. |
Jos 8:18 | And the LORD 3068 said 559 unto Joshua3091, Stretch out 5186 the spear 3591 that [is] in thy hand 3027 toward Ai 5857; for I will give 5414 it into thine hand 3027. And Joshua3091 stretched out 5186 the spear 3591 that [he had] in his hand 3027 toward the city 5892. |
Jos 8:21 | And when Joshua3091 and all Israel 3478 saw 7200 that the ambush 693 had taken 3920 the city 5892, and that the smoke 6227 of the city 5892 ascended 5927 , then they turned again 7725 , and slew 5221 the men 582 of Ai 5857. |
Jos 8:23 | And the king 4428 of Ai 5857 they took 8610 alive 2416, and brought 7126 him to Joshua3091. |
Jos 8:26 | For Joshua3091 drew 7725 0 not his hand 3027 back 7725 , wherewith he stretched out 5186 the spear 3591, until he had utterly destroyed 2763 all the inhabitants 3427 of Ai 5857. |
Jos 8:27 | Only the cattle 929 and the spoil 7998 of that city 5892 Israel 3478 took for a prey 962 unto themselves, according unto the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 which he commanded 6680 Joshua3091. |
Jos 8:28 | And Joshua3091 burnt 8313 Ai 5857, and made 7760 it an heap 8510 for ever 5769, [even] a desolation 8077 unto this day 3117. |
Jos 8:29 | And the king 4428 of Ai 5857 he hanged 8518 on a tree 6086 until eventide 6256 6153: and as soon as the sun 8121 was down 935 , Joshua3091 commanded 6680 that they should take 3381 0 his carcase 5038 down 3381 from the tree 6086, and cast 7993 it at the entering 6607 of the gate 8179 of the city 5892, and raise 6965 thereon a great 1419 heap 1530 of stones 68, [that remaineth] unto this day 3117. |
Jos 8:30 | Then Joshua3091 built 1129 an altar 4196 unto the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel 3478 in mount 2022 Ebal 5858, |
Jos 8:35 | There was not a word 1697 of all that Moses 4872 commanded 6680 , which Joshua3091 read 7121 not before all the congregation 6951 of Israel 3478, with the women 802, and the little ones 2945, and the strangers 1616 that were conversant 1980 among 7130 them. |
Jos 9:2 | That they gathered 6908 themselves together 3162, to fight 3898 with Joshua3091 and with Israel 3478, with one 259 accord 6310. |
Jos 9:3 | And when the inhabitants 3427 of Gibeon 1391 heard 8085 what Joshua3091 had done 6213 unto Jericho 3405 and to Ai 5857, |
Jos 9:6 | And they went 3212 to Joshua3091 unto the camp 4264 at Gilgal 1537, and said 559 unto him, and to the men 376 of Israel 3478, We be come 935 from a far 7350 country 776: now therefore make 3772 ye a league 1285 with us. |
Jos 9:8 | And they said 559 unto Joshua3091, We [are] thy servants 5650. And Joshua3091 said 559 unto them, Who [are] ye? and from whence 370 come 935 ye? |
Jos 9:15 | And Joshua3091 made 6213 peace 7965 with them, and made 3772 a league 1285 with them, to let them live 2421 : and the princes 5387 of the congregation 5712 sware 7650 unto them. |
Jos 9:22 | And Joshua3091 called 7121 for them, and he spake 1696 unto them, saying 559 , Wherefore have ye beguiled 7411 us, saying 559 , We [are] very 3966 far 7350 from you; when ye dwell 3427 among 7130 us? |
Jos 9:24 | And they answered 6030 Joshua3091, and said 559 , Because it was certainly 5046 told 5046 thy servants 5650, how that the LORD 3068 thy God 430 commanded 6680 his servant 5650 Moses 4872 to give 5414 you all the land 776, and to destroy 8045 all the inhabitants 3427 of the land 776 from before 6440 you, therefore we were sore 3966 afraid 3372 of our lives 5315 because 6440 of you, and have done 6213 this thing 1697. |
Jos 9:27 | And Joshua3091 made 5414 them that day 3117 hewers 2404 of wood 6086 and drawers 7579 of water 4325 for the congregation 5712, and for the altar 4196 of the LORD 3068, even unto this day 3117, in the place 4725 which he should choose 977 . |
Jos 10:1 | Now it came to pass, when Adonizedek 139 king 4428 of Jerusalem 3389 had heard 8085 how 3588 Joshua3091 had taken 3920 Ai 5857, and had utterly destroyed 2763 it; as he had done 6213 to Jericho 3405 and her king 4428, so he had done 6213 to Ai 5857 and her king 4428; and how the inhabitants 3427 of Gibeon 1391 had made peace 7999 with Israel 3478, and were among 7130 them; |
Jos 10:4 | Come up 5927 unto me, and help 5826 me, that we may smite 5221 Gibeon 1391: for it hath made peace 7999 with Joshua3091 and with the children 1121 of Israel 3478. |
Jos 10:6 | And the men 582 of Gibeon 1391 sent 7971 unto Joshua3091 to the camp 4264 to Gilgal 1537, saying 559 , Slack 7503 not thy hand 3027 from thy servants 5650; come up 5927 to us quickly 4120, and save 3467 us, and help 5826 us: for all the kings 4428 of the Amorites 567 that dwell 3427 in the mountains 2022 are gathered together 6908 against us. |
Jos 10:7 | So Joshua3091 ascended 5927 from Gilgal 1537, he, and all the people 5971 of war 4421 with him, and all the mighty 1368 men of valour 2428. |
Jos 10:8 | And the LORD 3068 said 559 unto Joshua3091, Fear 3372 them not: for I have delivered 5414 them into thine hand 3027; there shall not a man 376 of them stand 5975 before 6440 thee. |
Jos 10:9 | Joshua3091 therefore came 935 unto them suddenly 6597, [and] went up 5927 from Gilgal 1537 all night 3915. |
Jos 10:12 | Then spake 1696 Joshua3091 to the LORD 3068 in the day 3117 when the LORD 3068 delivered up 5414 the Amorites 567 before 6440 the children 1121 of Israel 3478, and he said 559 in the sight 5869 of Israel 3478, Sun 8121, stand thou still 1826 upon Gibeon 1391; and thou, Moon 3394, in the valley 6010 of Ajalon 357. |
Jos 10:15 | And Joshua3091 returned 7725 , and all Israel 3478 with him, unto the camp 4264 to Gilgal 1537. |
Jos 10:17 | And it was told 5046 Joshua3091, saying 559 , The five 2568 kings 4428 are found 4672 hid 2244 in a cave 4631 at Makkedah 4719. |
Jos 10:18 | And Joshua3091 said 559 , Roll 1556 great 1419 stones 68 upon the mouth 6310 of the cave 4631, and set 6485 men 582 by it for to keep 8104 them: |
Jos 10:20 | And it came to pass, when Joshua3091 and the children 1121 of Israel 3478 had made an end 3615 of slaying 5221 them with a very 3966 great 1419 slaughter 4347, till they were consumed 8552 , that the rest 8300 [which] remained 8277 of them entered 935 into fenced 4013 cities 5892. |
Jos 10:21 | And all the people 5971 returned 7725 to the camp 4264 to Joshua3091 at Makkedah 4719 in peace 7965: none moved 2782 his tongue 3956 against any 376 of the children 1121 of Israel 3478. |
Jos 10:22 | Then said 559 Joshua3091, Open 6605 the mouth 6310 of the cave 4631, and bring out 3318 those five 2568 kings 4428 unto me out of the cave 4631. |
Jos 10:24 | And it came to pass, when they brought out 3318 those kings 4428 unto Joshua3091, that Joshua3091 called 7121 for all the men 376 of Israel 3478, and said 559 unto the captains 7101 of the men 582 of war 4421 which went 1980 with him, Come near 7126 , put 7760 your feet 7272 upon the necks 6677 of these kings 4428. And they came near 7126 , and put 7760 their feet 7272 upon the necks 6677 of them. |
Jos 10:25 | And Joshua3091 said 559 unto them, Fear 3372 not, nor be dismayed 2865 , be strong 2388 and of good courage 553 : for thus shall the LORD 3068 do 6213 to all your enemies 341 against whom ye fight 3898 . |
Jos 10:26 | And afterward 310 Joshua3091 smote 5221 them, and slew 4191 them, and hanged 8518 them on five 2568 trees 6086: and they were hanging 8518 upon the trees 6086 until the evening 6153. |
Jos 10:27 | And it came to pass at the time 6256 of the going down 935 of the sun 8121, [that] Joshua3091 commanded 6680 , and they took them down 3381 off the trees 6086, and cast 7993 them into the cave 4631 wherein they had been hid 2244 , and laid 7760 great 1419 stones 68 in the cave's 4631 mouth 6310, [which remain] until this very 6106 day 3117. |
Jos 10:28 | And that day 3117 Joshua3091 took 3920 Makkedah 4719, and smote 5221 it with the edge 6310 of the sword 2719, and the king 4428 thereof he utterly destroyed 2763 , them, and all the souls 5315 that [were] therein; he let 7604 none remain 8300: and he did 6213 to the king 4428 of Makkedah 4719 as he did 6213 unto the king 4428 of Jericho 3405. |
Jos 10:29 | Then Joshua3091 passed 5674 from Makkedah 4719, and all Israel 3478 with him, unto Libnah 3841, and fought 3898 against Libnah 3841: |
Jos 10:31 | And Joshua3091 passed 5674 from Libnah 3841, and all Israel 3478 with him, unto Lachish 3923, and encamped 2583 against it, and fought 3898 against it: |
Jos 10:33 | Then Horam 2036 king 4428 of Gezer 1507 came up 5927 to help 5826 Lachish 3923; and Joshua3091 smote 5221 him and his people 5971, until he had left 7604 him none remaining 8300. |
Jos 10:34 | And from Lachish 3923 Joshua3091 passed 5674 unto Eglon 5700, and all Israel 3478 with him; and they encamped 2583 against it, and fought 3898 against it: |
Jos 10:36 | And Joshua3091 went up 5927 from Eglon 5700, and all Israel 3478 with him, unto Hebron 2275; and they fought 3898 against it: |
Jos 10:38 | And Joshua3091 returned 7725 , and all Israel 3478 with him, to Debir 1688; and fought 3898 against it: |
Jos 10:40 | So Joshua3091 smote 5221 all the country 776 of the hills 2022, and of the south 5045, and of the vale 8219, and of the springs 794, and all their kings 4428: he left 7604 none remaining 8300, but utterly destroyed 2763 all that breathed 5397, as the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel 3478 commanded 6680 . |
Jos 10:41 | And Joshua3091 smote 5221 them from Kadeshbarnea 6947 even unto Gaza 5804, and all the country 776 of Goshen 1657, even unto Gibeon 1391. |
Jos 10:42 | And all these kings 4428 and their land 776 did Joshua3091 take 3920 at one 259 time 6471, because the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel 3478 fought 3898 for Israel 3478. |
Jos 10:43 | And Joshua3091 returned 7725 , and all Israel 3478 with him, unto the camp 4264 to Gilgal 1537. |
Jos 11:6 | And the LORD 3068 said 559 unto Joshua3091, Be not afraid 3372 because 6440 of them: for to morrow 4279 about this time 6256 will I deliver them up 5414 all slain 2491 before 6440 Israel 3478: thou shalt hough 6131 their horses 5483, and burn 8313 their chariots 4818 with fire 784. |
Jos 11:7 | So Joshua3091 came 935 , and all the people 5971 of war 4421 with him, against them by the waters 4325 of Merom 4792 suddenly 6597; and they fell upon 5307 them. |
Jos 11:9 | And Joshua3091 did 6213 unto them as the LORD 3068 bade 559 him: he houghed 6131 their horses 5483, and burnt 8313 their chariots 4818 with fire 784. |
Jos 11:10 | And Joshua3091 at that time 6256 turned back 7725 , and took 3920 Hazor 2674, and smote 5221 the king 4428 thereof with the sword 2719: for Hazor 2674 beforetime 6440 was the head 7218 of all those kingdoms 4467. |
Jos 11:12 | And all the cities 5892 of those kings 4428, and all the kings 4428 of them, did Joshua3091 take 3920 , and smote 5221 them with the edge 6310 of the sword 2719, [and] he utterly destroyed 2763 them, as Moses 4872 the servant 5650 of the LORD 3068 commanded 6680 . |
Jos 11:13 | But [as for] the cities 5892 that stood 5975 still in their strength 8510, Israel 3478 burned 8313 none of them, save 2108 Hazor 2674 only; [that] did Joshua3091 burn 8313 . |
Jos 11:15 | As the LORD 3068 commanded 6680 Moses 4872 his servant 5650, so did Moses 4872 command 6680 Joshua3091, and so did 6213 Joshua3091; he left 5493 0 nothing 1697 undone 5493 of all that the LORD 3068 commanded 6680 Moses 4872. |
Jos 11:16 | So Joshua3091 took 3947 all that land 776, the hills 2022, and all the south country 5045, and all the land 776 of Goshen 1657, and the valley 8219, and the plain 6160, and the mountain 2022 of Israel 3478, and the valley 8219 of the same; |
Jos 11:18 | Joshua3091 made 6213 war 4421 a long 7227 time 3117 with all those kings 4428. |
Jos 11:21 | And at that time 6256 came 935 Joshua3091, and cut off 3772 the Anakims 6062 from the mountains 2022, from Hebron 2275, from Debir 1688, from Anab 6024, and from all the mountains 2022 of Judah 3063, and from all the mountains 2022 of Israel 3478: Joshua3091 destroyed them utterly 2763 with their cities 5892. |
Jos 11:23 | So Joshua3091 took 3947 the whole land 776, according to all that the LORD 3068 said 1696 unto Moses 4872; and Joshua3091 gave 5414 it for an inheritance 5159 unto Israel 3478 according to their divisions 4256 by their tribes 7626. And the land 776 rested 8252 from war 4421. |
Jos 12:7 | And these [are] the kings 4428 of the country 776 which Joshua3091 and the children 1121 of Israel 3478 smote 5221 on this side 5676 Jordan 3383 on the west 3220, from Baalgad 1171 in the valley 1237 of Lebanon 3844 even unto the mount 2022 Halak 2510, that goeth up 5927 to Seir 8165; which Joshua3091 gave 5414 unto the tribes 7626 of Israel 3478 [for] a possession 3425 according to their divisions 4256; |
Jos 13:1 | Now Joshua3091 was old 2204 [and] stricken 935 in years 3117; and the LORD 3068 said 559 unto him, Thou art old 2204 [and] stricken 935 in years 3117, and there remaineth 7604 yet very 3966 much 7235 land 776 to be possessed 3423 . |
Jos 14:1 | And these [are the countries] which the children 1121 of Israel 3478 inherited 5157 in the land 776 of Canaan 3667, which Eleazar 499 the priest 3548, and Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Nun 5126, and the heads 7218 of the fathers 1 of the tribes 4294 of the children 1121 of Israel 3478, distributed for inheritance 5157 to them. |
Jos 14:6 | Then the children 1121 of Judah 3063 came 5066 unto Joshua3091 in Gilgal 1537: and Caleb 3612 the son 1121 of Jephunneh 3312 the Kenezite 7074 said 559 unto him, Thou knowest 3045 the thing 1697 that the LORD 3068 said 1696 unto Moses 4872 the man 376 of God 430 concerning me 182 and thee 182 in Kadeshbarnea 6947. |
Jos 14:13 | And Joshua3091 blessed 1288 him, and gave 5414 unto Caleb 3612 the son 1121 of Jephunneh 3312 Hebron 2275 for an inheritance 5159. |
Jos 15:13 | And unto Caleb 3612 the son 1121 of Jephunneh 3312 he gave 5414 a part 2506 among 8432 the children 1121 of Judah 3063, according 413 to the commandment 6310 of the LORD 3068 to Joshua3091, [even] the city 7151 of Arba 704 7153 the father 1 of Anak 6061, which [city is] Hebron 2275. |
Jos 17:4 | And they came near 7126 before 6440 Eleazar 499 the priest 3548, and before 6440 Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Nun 5126, and before 6440 the princes 5387, saying 559 , The LORD 3068 commanded 6680 Moses 4872 to give 5414 us an inheritance 5159 among 8432 our brethren 251. Therefore according to the commandment 6310 of the LORD 3068 he gave 5414 them an inheritance 5159 among 8432 the brethren 251 of their father 1. |
Jos 17:14 | And the children 1121 of Joseph 3130 spake 1696 unto Joshua3091, saying 559 , Why hast thou given 5414 me [but] one 259 lot 1486 and one 259 portion 2256 to inherit 5159, seeing I [am] a great 7227 people 5971, forasmuch as 5704 the LORD 3068 hath blessed 1288 me hitherto 3541? |
Jos 17:15 | And Joshua3091 answered 559 them, If thou [be] a great 7227 people 5971, [then] get thee up 5927 to the wood 3293 [country], and cut down 1254 for thyself there in the land 776 of the Perizzites 6522 and of the giants 7497, if mount 2022 Ephraim 669 be too narrow 213 for thee. |
Jos 17:17 | And Joshua3091 spake 559 unto the house 1004 of Joseph 3130, [even] to Ephraim 669 and to Manasseh 4519, saying 559 , Thou [art] a great 7227 people 5971, and hast great 1419 power 3581: thou shalt not have one 259 lot 1486 [only]: |
Jos 18:3 | And Joshua3091 said 559 unto the children 1121 of Israel 3478, How long [are] ye slack 7503 to go 935 to possess 3423 the land 776, which the LORD 3068 God 430 of your fathers 1 hath given 5414 you? |
Jos 18:8 | And the men 582 arose 6965 , and went away 3212 : and Joshua3091 charged 6680 them that went 1980 to describe 3789 the land 776, saying 559 , Go 3212 and walk 1980 through the land 776, and describe 3789 it, and come again 7725 to me, that I may here cast 7993 lots 1486 for you before 6440 the LORD 3068 in Shiloh 7887. |
Jos 18:9 | And the men 582 went 3212 and passed through 5674 the land 776, and described 3789 it by cities 5892 into seven 7651 parts 2506 in a book 5612, and came 935 [again] to Joshua3091 to the host 4264 at Shiloh 7887. |
Jos 18:10 | And Joshua3091 cast 7993 lots 1486 for them in Shiloh 7887 before 6440 the LORD 3068: and there Joshua3091 divided 2505 the land 776 unto the children 1121 of Israel 3478 according to their divisions 4256. |
Jos 19:49 | When they had made an end 3615 of dividing the land 776 for inheritance 5157 by their coasts 1367, the children 1121 of Israel 3478 gave 5414 an inheritance 5159 to Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Nun 5126 among 8432 them: |
Jos 19:51 | These [are] the inheritances 5159, which Eleazar 499 the priest 3548, and Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Nun 5126, and the heads 7218 of the fathers 1 of the tribes 4294 of the children 1121 of Israel 3478, divided for an inheritance 5157 by lot 1486 in Shiloh 7887 before 6440 the LORD 3068, at the door 6607 of the tabernacle 168 of the congregation 4150. So they made an end 3615 of dividing 2505 the country 776. |
Jos 20:1 | The LORD 3068 also spake 1696 unto Joshua3091, saying 559 , |
Jos 21:1 | Then came near 5066 the heads 7218 of the fathers 1 of the Levites 3881 unto Eleazar 499 the priest 3548, and unto Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Nun 5126, and unto the heads 7218 of the fathers 1 of the tribes 4294 of the children 1121 of Israel 3478; |
Jos 22:1 | Then Joshua3091 called 7121 the Reubenites 7206, and the Gadites 1425, and the half 2677 tribe 4294 of Manasseh 4519, |
Jos 22:6 | So Joshua3091 blessed 1288 them, and sent them away 7971 : and they went 3212 unto their tents 168. |
Jos 22:7 | Now to the [one] half 2677 of the tribe 7626 of Manasseh 4519 Moses 4872 had given 5414 [possession] in Bashan 1316: but unto the [other] half 2677 thereof gave 5414 Joshua3091 among 5973 their brethren 251 on this side 5676 Jordan 3383 westward 3220. And when Joshua3091 sent them away 7971 also unto their tents 168, then he blessed 1288 them, |
Jos 23:1 | And it came to pass a long 7227 time 3117 after 310 that the LORD 3068 had given rest 5117 unto Israel 3478 from all their enemies 341 round about 5439, that Joshua3091 waxed old 2204 [and] stricken 935 in age 3117. |
Jos 23:2 | And Joshua3091 called 7121 for all Israel 3478, [and] for their elders 2205, and for their heads 7218, and for their judges 8199 , and for their officers 7860 , and said 559 unto them, I am old 2204 [and] stricken 935 in age 3117: |
Jos 24:1 | And Joshua3091 gathered 622 all the tribes 7626 of Israel 3478 to Shechem 7927, and called 7121 for the elders 2205 of Israel 3478, and for their heads 7218, and for their judges 8199 , and for their officers 7860 ; and they presented 3320 themselves before 6440 God 430. |
Jos 24:2 | And Joshua3091 said 559 unto all the people 5971, Thus saith 559 the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel 3478, Your fathers 1 dwelt 3427 on the other side 5676 of the flood 5104 in old time 5769, [even] Terah 8646, the father 1 of Abraham 85, and the father 1 of Nachor 5152: and they served 5647 other 312 gods 430. |
Jos 24:19 | And Joshua3091 said 559 unto the people 5971, Ye cannot 3201 serve 5647 the LORD 3068: for he [is] an holy 6918 God 430; he [is] a jealous 7072 God 410; he will not forgive 5375 your transgressions 6588 nor your sins 2403. |
Jos 24:21 | And the people 5971 said 559 unto Joshua3091, Nay; but we will serve 5647 the LORD 3068. |
Jos 24:22 | And Joshua3091 said 559 unto the people 5971, Ye [are] witnesses 5707 against yourselves that ye have chosen 977 you the LORD 3068, to serve 5647 him. And they said 559 , [We are] witnesses 5707. |
Jos 24:24 | And the people 5971 said 559 unto Joshua3091, The LORD 3068 our God 430 will we serve 5647 , and his voice 6963 will we obey 8085 . |
Jos 24:25 | So Joshua3091 made 3772 a covenant 1285 with the people 5971 that day 3117, and set 7760 them a statute 2706 and an ordinance 4941 in Shechem 7927. |
Jos 24:26 | And Joshua3091 wrote 3789 these words 1697 in the book 5612 of the law 8451 of God 430, and took 3947 a great 1419 stone 68, and set it up 6965 there under an oak 427, that [was] by the sanctuary 4720 of the LORD 3068. |
Jos 24:27 | And Joshua3091 said 559 unto all the people 5971, Behold, this stone 68 shall be a witness 5713 unto us; for it hath heard 8085 all the words 561 of the LORD 3068 which he spake 1696 unto us: it shall be therefore a witness 5713 unto you, lest ye deny 3584 your God 430. |
Jos 24:28 | So Joshua3091 let the people 5971 depart 7971 , every man 376 unto his inheritance 5159. |
Jos 24:29 | And it came to pass after 310 these things 1697, that Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Nun 5126, the servant 5650 of the LORD 3068, died 4191 , [being] an hundred 3967 and ten 6235 years 8141 old 1121. |
Jos 24:31 | And Israel 3478 served 5647 the LORD 3068 all the days 3117 of Joshua3091, and all the days 3117 of the elders 2205 that overlived 748 3117 310 Joshua3091, and which had known 3045 all the works 4639 of the LORD 3068, that he had done 6213 for Israel 3478. |
Jdg 1:1 | Now after 310 the death 4194 of Joshua3091 it came to pass, that the children 1121 of Israel 3478 asked 7592 the LORD 3068, saying 559 , Who shall go up 5927 for us against the Canaanites 3669 first 8462, to fight 3898 against them? |
Jdg 2:6 | And when Joshua3091 had let the people 5971 go 7971 , the children 1121 of Israel 3478 went 3212 every man 376 unto his inheritance 5159 to possess 3423 the land 776. |
Jdg 2:7 | And the people 5971 served 5647 the LORD 3068 all the days 3117 of Joshua3091, and all the days 3117 of the elders 2205 that outlived 748 3117 310 Joshua3091, who had seen 7200 all the great 1419 works 4639 of the LORD 3068, that he did 6213 for Israel 3478. |
Jdg 2:8 | And Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Nun 5126, the servant 5650 of the LORD 3068, died 4191 , [being] an hundred 3967 and ten 6235 years 8141 old 1121 |
Jdg 2:21 | I also will not henceforth 3254 drive out 3423 any 376 from before 6440 them of the nations 1471 which Joshua3091 left 5800 when he died 4191 : |
Jdg 2:23 | Therefore the LORD 3068 left 3240 those nations 1471, without 1115 driving them out 3423 hastily 4118; neither delivered 5414 he them into the hand 3027 of Joshua3091. |
1Sa 6:14 | And the cart 5699 came 935 into the field 7704 of Joshua3091, a Bethshemite 1030, and stood 5975 there, where [there was] a great 1419 stone 68: and they clave 1234 the wood 6086 of the cart 5699, and offered 5927 the kine 6510 a burnt offering 5930 unto the LORD 3068. |
1Sa 6:18 | And the golden 2091 mice 5909, [according to] the number 4557 of all the cities 5892 of the Philistines 6430 [belonging] to the five 2568 lords 5633, [both] of fenced 4013 cities 5892, and of country 6521 villages 3724, even unto the great 1419 [stone of] Abel 59, whereon they set down 3240 the ark 727 of the LORD 3068: [which stone remaineth] unto this day 3117 in the field 7704 of Joshua3091, the Bethshemite 1030. |
1Ki 16:34 | In his days 3117 did Hiel 2419 the Bethelite 1017 build 1129 Jericho 3405: he laid the foundation 3245 thereof in Abiram 48 his firstborn 1060, and set up 5324 the gates 1817 thereof in his youngest 6810 [son] Segub 7687, according to the word 1697 of the LORD 3068, which he spake 1696 by 3027 Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Nun 5126. |
2Ki 23:8 | And he brought 935 all the priests 3548 out of the cities 5892 of Judah 3063, and defiled 2930 the high places 1116 where the priests 3548 had burned incense 6999 , from Geba 1387 to Beersheba 884, and brake down 5422 the high places 1116 of the gates 8179 that [were] in the entering in 6607 of the gate 8179 of Joshua3091 the governor 8269 of the city 5892, which [were] on a man's 376 left hand 8040 at the gate 8179 of the city 5892. |
1Ch 7:27 | Non 5126 his son 1121, Jehoshua3091 his son 1121. |
Hag 1:1 | In the second 8147 year 8141 of Darius 1867 the king 4428, in the sixth 8345 month 2320, in the first 259 day 3117 of the month 2320, came the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 by 3027 Haggai 2292 the prophet 5030 unto Zerubbabel 2216 the son 1121 of Shealtiel 7597, governor 6346 of Judah 3063, and to Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Josedech 3087, the high 1419 priest 3548, saying 559 , |
Hag 1:12 | Then Zerubbabel 2216 the son 1121 of Shealtiel 7597, and Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Josedech 3087, the high 1419 priest 3548, with all the remnant 7611 of the people 5971, obeyed 8085 the voice 6963 of the LORD 3068 their God 430, and the words 1697 of Haggai 2292 the prophet 5030, as the LORD 3068 their God 430 had sent 7971 him, and the people 5971 did fear 3372 before 6440 the LORD 3068. |
Hag 1:14 | And the LORD 3068 stirred up 5782 the spirit 7307 of Zerubbabel 2216 the son 1121 of Shealtiel 7597, governor 6346 of Judah 3063, and the spirit 7307 of Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Josedech 3087, the high 1419 priest 3548, and the spirit 7307 of all the remnant 7611 of the people 5971; and they came 935 and did 6213 work 4399 in the house 1004 of the LORD 3068 of hosts 6635, their God 430, |
Hag 2:2 | Speak 559 now to Zerubbabel 2216 the son 1121 of Shealtiel 7597, governor 6346 of Judah 3063, and to Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Josedech 3087, the high 1419 priest 3548, and to the residue 7611 of the people 5971, saying 559 , |
Hag 2:4 | Yet now be strong 2388 , O Zerubbabel 2216, saith 5002 the LORD 3068; and be strong 2388 , O Joshua3091, son 1121 of Josedech 3087, the high 1419 priest 3548; and be strong 2388 , all ye people 5971 of the land 776, saith 5002 the LORD 3068, and work 6213 : for I [am] with you, saith 5002 the LORD 3068 of hosts 6635: |
Zec 3:1 | And he shewed 7200 me Joshua3091 the high 1419 priest 3548 standing 5975 before 6440 the angel 4397 of the LORD 3068, and Satan 7854 standing 5975 at his right hand 3225 to resist 7853 him. |
Zec 3:3 | Now Joshua3091 was clothed 3847 with filthy 6674 garments 899, and stood 5975 before 6440 the angel 4397. |
Zec 3:6 | And the angel 4397 of the LORD 3068 protested 5749 unto Joshua3091, saying 559 , |
Zec 3:8 | Hear 8085 now, O Joshua3091 the high 1419 priest 3548, thou, and thy fellows 7453 that sit 3427 before 6440 thee: for they [are] men 582 wondered at 4159: for, behold, I will bring forth 935 my servant 5650 the BRANCH 6780. |
Zec 3:9 | For behold the stone 68 that I have laid 5414 before 6440 Joshua3091; upon one 259 stone 68 [shall be] seven 7651 eyes 5869: behold, I will engrave 6605 the graving 6603 thereof, saith 5002 the LORD 3068 of hosts 6635, and I will remove 4185 the iniquity 5771 of that land 776 in one 259 day 3117. |
Zec 6:11 | Then take 3947 silver 3701 and gold 2091, and make 6213 crowns 5850, and set 7760 [them] upon the head 7218 of Joshua3091 the son 1121 of Josedech 3087, the high 1419 priest 3548; |